Prerequisites and Installation

The following prerequisites must be installed:

  • gcc

  • cmake

  • git

  • git lfs

  • python3

  • HDF5 (doesn’t need to have parallel support)

  • OpenMP

  • MPI (with threading support)

  • FFTW3.

  • Optional: Singularity (only required if building/running containerised images of the code).

On the MacOS, homebrew can be used to install all the listed dependencies.

The compilation process will use mpicc, and it has been tested with both GCC and ICC. It has also been tested on both Linux and MacOS.

To set up the repository, get data files, and compile, run the following steps:

git clone
cd ska-sdp-exec-iotest
git lfs pull origin
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ../
make -j$(nproc)

Singularity image can be pulled from GitLab registry using oras library.

singularity pull iotest.sif oras://

To build the image with Singularity:

singularity build iotest.sif ska-sdp-exec-iotest.def